Agent Performance Report
The agent performance report is similar to the agent activity report but simplified with the addition of a few metrics to help gauge individual agent performance. This report will help you better understand agent productivity, telephone staffing adherence (TSA), as well as agent occupancy.
Report Stats
Stat | Description |
Agent Name | The name of the extension or agent. |
Agent ID | The extension number or ID of the agent. |
Total Productive Phone Time | Difference of shift time (time from first log in to last log out of the day) and aux time (time spent logged out with reason codes 1-9). |
Total Talk Time | Sum of call duration for all calls from a queue answered and completed or transferred by the agent. |
Total Wrap-Up Time | Sum of total time from logout with reason code 0 to following login. |
Total Idle Time | Sum of total time from login to following call or logout and from call end to following call or logout. |
Average ACD Duration | Mean average call duration for all calls from a queue answered and completed or transferred by the agent. |
TSA | Telephone Staffing Adherence (TSA) is a percentage used to gauge the overall productivity of an agent. A low TSA would indicate the agent is often working on other duties; in contrast, a 100% TSA would indicate the agent is only taking calls and not working on anything else. |
Agent Occupancy | Represented as a percentage, this is the quotient of Total Talk Time divided by the sum of Total Talk Time, Total Wrap-Up Time, and Total Idle Time. A high agent occupancy would indicate that the agent is often on a queue call and seldom idle. |