Agent Activity Report

The agent activity report provides an overview of all call activity within a queue (ACD), outside of a queue (Non-ACD), and outbound calls. This report also shows wrap-up time (duration spent after completing a call), handle time (sum of the duration of call and wrap-up), idle time (duration spent waiting for a call from queue), and aux time (duration logged out).

Report Stats

Stat Description
Interval This is the duration determined from the 'by' value.  Available options include:  1/2 Hour, Hour, Day of Month, Day of Week, or Month.
ACD Calls Total Calls Sum of all calls from a queue answered and completed or transferred by the agent.
ACD Calls Total Time Sum of call duration for all calls from a queue answered and completed or transferred by the agent.
ACD Calls Avg Dur Mean average call duration for all calls from a queue answered and completed or transferred by the agent.
Non ACD Calls Total Calls Sum of all inbound calls (not from a queue) to the agent.
Non ACD Calls Total Time Sum of call duration for all inbound calls (not from a queue) answered by the agent.
Non ACD Calls Avg Dur Mean average call duration for all inbound calls (not from a queue) answered by the agent.
Out Calls Total Calls Sum of all outbound calls placed by the agent.
Out Calls Total Time Sum of call duration for all outbound calls placed by the agent.
Out Calls Avg Dur Mean average call duration for all outbound calls placed by the agent.
Total Calls Sum of all ACD, Non ACD, and Out calls.
Total Time Sum of call duration for all ACD, Non ACD, and Out calls.
Total Avg Dur Mean average call duration for all ACD, Non ACD, and Out calls.
Wrap-up Sum of total time from logout with reason code 0 to following login.
Avg Wrap-Up Mean average of all Wrap-Up durations.
Handle Sum of Total Time for ACD Calls and Wrap-Up.
Avg Handle Mean average of all Handle durations.
Idle Sum of total time from login to following call or logout and from call end to following call or logout.
Aux Sum of total time from logout with reason code 1-9 to following login.

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