This article provides a general overview of the Announcements on your Evolution system.
For info on how to create or record an announcement in Evolution reference this guide: How to Create an Announcement
Announcements are generally utilized for Auto Attendant greetings or in Custom Routing Rules and can found under 'Resources' → 'Announcements':
You can create a new announcement with the 'New Record' link near the top left of the page. Be sure to populate the 'Description' field with a name identifying the announcement in the 'New Record' window:
If the announcement has already been recorded or uploaded the 'Recorded' column will display a play button:
If you click on the play button a new window appears that will play the current audio for the announcement, as well as provide a link to download the current audio in MP3 format:
You can Edit the name of an existing record by clicking on the 'Paper and Pencil' icon and changing the text in the description field of the popup window:
You can delete an announcement with the Red X:
You can upload an announcement with the 'Disk and +' icon: