Queue Activity Report
The queue activity report provides a detailed view of the most important service statistics of a queue. With this report, you can answer questions like: "What percentage of calls coming into the queue get answered?", or, "What's the average talk time?", or even, "Which day of the week does the queue receive the most calls or abandons?".
Report Stats
Stat | Description |
Interval | This is the interval selected from the 'By' value: 1/2 Hour, Hour, Day of Month, Day of Week, or Month. |
Total Calls Off'd | Sum of all calls sent to the queue. |
Total Calls Ans'd | Sum of all calls answered from the queue. |
Calls Ans'd % | The ratio of Total Calls Ans’d to Total Calls Off’d |
Grade of Service % | The ratio of Total Calls Ans’d within selected Grade of Service time (time in seconds where caller waits in queue) to Total Calls Off’d. |
TTA Avg | Mean average time to answer (TTA) – caller's time spent waiting in queue. This does not include callers that abandoned the queue. |
Total Talk Time | Sum of duration of Total Calls Ans’d. |
Avg Talk Time | Mean average call duration of Total Calls Ans’d. |
Total Handle Time | Sum of Total Talk Time and total wrap-up time. |
Avg Handle Time | Mean average handle time of Total Calls Ans'd. |
Total Long Aband | Sum of calls abandoned after five seconds. |
TTAb Avg | Mean average time to abandon (TTAb) – caller's time spent waiting in queue before hanging up. |
Aban Calls % | Ratio of total calls abandoned to Total Calls Off’d |
Total Short Aband | Sum of calls abandoned within five seconds. |
Sh Ab Avg | Mean average time to abandon for all short abandoned calls. |
Total Calls Transf | Sum of all calls transferred after agent answers. |
Avg Transfer Dur | Mean average duration of calls prior to transfer. |