How to setup a Time of Day Bypass

Evolution 5.0 supports Time of Day routing, as well as the ability to change the mode from a phone via a line key (button) or a feature code. This is referred to as a 'Time of Day Bypass'. To accomplish changing the Time of Day mode on the fly, you will need to enable a Time of Day (ToD) bypass and a way to access it.

There are two ways this can be done:

Time of Day Bypass Feature Code

To create a ToD bypass feature code, we will need ensure the system has a valid, functioning, ToD route, and identify the record number associated with the appropriate ToD route to define the code.

The first step is to verify the destinations set within the active ToD route on the system. If you browse to 'Call Routing' → 'Time-of-Day Routes' you will be presented with the current ToD routes on the system.

In this example, the route is named 'MAIN' and points on-hours calls to the 'Main_Daytime' Auto Attendant. Outside of normal business hours calls will be routed to the 'Main_Afterhours' Auto Attendant.

Highlighted below is the bypass options for this Time of Day route; When the bypass is enabled the calls will be routed to the 'Main_Afterhours' Auto Attendant.

If you would like additional info on Time of Day routes reference the Time-of-day Routes article.

Now that we have shown how to setup the bypass destination and verify the ToD route, we need to identity the ToD route record number for the feature code.
When you browse to 'Call Routing' → 'Time-of-Day Routes' you are shown the existing ToD routes present on the system similar to this:

These ToD routes are assigned a numeric record when created starting with 100.  As you can see below, the records increase by an integer of '1' as they are built:

If your system has a single ToD route, its record number will be 100.

After you have identified which ToD route you will be bypassing, we simply need to apply it to the feature code's wildcard, which is:
In essence, if the record number for the ToD was 100 then you would dial 4*100 from any registered extension on the PBX to enable the bypass.

To disable the ToD bypass you can dial 4*100 again, or, alternatively, you can browse to 'Call Routing' → 'Time-of-Day Routes', and edit the relevant time of day rule.
When enabled the ToD route will show with the bypass set to 'Enabled':
Changing the bypass field back to 'disabled' and saving the record will disable the bypass, resulting in normal call routing.

Time of Day Bypass Line Key

To create a ToD bypass line key, we will need ensure the system has a valid, functioning ToD route, add a ToD bypass line key to the appropriate button map, verify the appropriate extension(s) are set to the correct button map, and reboot the affected phones.

The first step is to verify the destinations set within the active ToD route on the system. If you browse to 'Call Routing' → 'Time-of-Day Routes' you will be presented with the current ToD routes on the system.

In this example, the route is named 'MAIN' and points on-hours calls to the 'Main_Daytime' Auto Attendant.  Outside of normal business hours calls will be routed to the 'Main_Afterhours' Auto Attendant.  

Highlighted below is the bypass options for this Time of Day route; When the bypass is enabled the calls will be routed to the 'Main_Afterhours' Auto Attendant.

If you would like additional info on Time of Day routes reference the Time-of-day Routes article.

Now that we have defined how to setup the bypass destination and verified the ToD route, we need to modify the button map for the phones that will have the line key capable of enabling or disabling the bypass.

If you browse to 'Resources' → 'Button Mapping' and, using the pencil/edit icon, edit the appropriate button map you should be viewing a window similar to this one:

You will need to add an entry analogous to Line 4 as shown above to create the bypass. In this case Line 4 is a ToD bypass for the 'MAIN' Time of Day rule shown in step 1.

After modifying the button map we need to ensure the appropriate phones are setup to receive the new configuration.

Browse to 'Resources' → 'Phone Extensions'.  From here you are going to edit the records for the phones you would like to have the bypass capability.

For example extension 706 below is set to the 'Default' button map:
If you change this field to 'wBypass' (the name of our button map in step 2) and save the record, followed by a reboot of the phone, you should end up with a phone that has a line key 4 labeled as 'ToDBypass'.

Once present, phones with this key posses the ability to force the day/night mode to the bypass destination in step #1 from a simple key press.

To disable the ToD bypass you can toggle the ToDBypass button on a phone that has been configured for the feature, or, alternatively, you can browse to 'Call Routing' → 'Time-of-Day Routes', and edit the relevant time of day rule.
When enabled the ToD route will show with the bypass set to 'Enabled':
Changing the bypass field back to 'disabled' and saving the record will disable the bypass, resulting in normal call routing.

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