How to increase Voicemail box size

This article describes the process for increasing the number of voicemail messages permitted in a voicemail box

By default, when a voicemail box is created, it is allotted space for 16 messages.

If you need to increase the amount of messages permitted to be stored in a voicemail box, browse to 'Resources' → 'Voicemail' and click the pencil icon to edit a voicemail box.

When editing a voicemail box, a pop appears that looks like this:

Note the blue globe icon in the top left hand corner of the popup.  When selected you will be able to edit the global voicemail settings.

The Global voicemail settings consist of multiple values, including the ability to adjust the number of voicemail messages permitted in an inbox:

From the Global Voicemail Settings window you can define 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 384 or 512 voicemail messages per voicemail box as shown above.

Be sure to save your changes!

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