How to Record an Extension

This article explains how to enable audio recordings for an extension in Evolution

To enable recording of an extension you will need to enable the recording feature in the profile assigned to the extension.

To do that browse to 'Resources' → 'Profiles' and either modify an existing profile or create a new one.  Once you have opened or created a new profile, set the 'Record Calls' field to 'yes' as shown here:

Be sure to save the changes to the profile.

If you created a new profile you will need to update the profile assigned to the extension(s). You can do that by browsing to 'Resources' → 'Extensions' and editing the appropriate extension(s) and the profiles assigned to them.

After enabling recording on the system, you can listen to the recordings by running a CDR report on the extension(s) in question and clicking on the audio file link in the record:

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