
This article provides a general overview of the Announcements on your Evolution system.  

For info on how to create or record an announcement in Evolution reference this guide: How to Create an Announcement

Announcements are generally utilized for Auto Attendant greetings or in Custom Routing Rules and can found under 'Resources' → 'Announcements':

You can create a new announcement with the 'New Record' link near the top left of the page.  Be sure to populate the 'Description' field with a name identifying the announcement in the 'New Record' window:

If the announcement has already been recorded or uploaded the 'Recorded' column will display a play button:

If you click on the play button a new window appears that will play the current audio for the announcement, as well as provide a link to download the current audio in MP3 format:

You can Edit the name of an existing record by clicking on the 'Paper and Pencil' icon and changing the text in the description field of the popup window:

You can delete an announcement with the Red X:

You can upload an announcement with the 'Disk and +' icon:

Note: Please do not delete or rename any of the system generated announcements or your Evolution system may experience technical issues

After creating an announcement in Evolution you will need to record or upload the audio file for the announcement.
Reference this guide for information on how to do that:
How to Create an Announcement

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