How to setup a Google Chrome window for iView

Google Chrome provides the best possible experience for iView. The following instructions will guide you through the process of creating a desktop icon that will allow you to open iView in a window that resembles a native application, as opposed to a full web browser view. We will also show you how to enable notifications.

  1. Open Google Chrome and navigate to the URL of your iView server (this is the IP address of your PBX, followed by :58080/client/client)
  2. Click the Chrome menu icon to the right of the address bar and select 'More tools' and click 'Add to desktop...'
  3. You will then be prompted to add an icon to your desktop. Simply click the checkbox to 'Open as window' and click 'Add'
  4. Close your Chrome browser and find the iView icon that was added to the desktop. Open up iView and log in. After logging in, you will be prompted with a simple message at the top of your window that says "If you wish to enable this feature, you need to click "Allow" in the toolbar that appears after you close this window." Click 'OK' and then click 'Allow' in the notification prompt at the top right of the window:
  5. You can now continue using iView and you will receive call notifications in the bottom right of your screen.

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